An OPG (Orthopantomagram) is a panoramic view of the upper and lower jaw. It also referred to as Panorex or Orhopantomagraph. Images from multiple angles can be taken for a composite panoramic image. In this way, a clear view of upper as well as lower jaw is available. The growth, number and position of all teeth are demonstrated through OPG. Our dentists in Rockport, TX- 76426 harness the potential of OPG to get a broader view of your teeth.
There are several advantages of OPG or panoramic radiography which are as under:
A number of conditions can be easily diagnosed by using panoramic radiography including:
Teeth impaction
Teeth cavities
If you suspect that you are suffering from any of the conditions mentioned above, feel free to visit our Rockport dental clinic today.
Are you looking for an expert dentist near you? Feel free to visit our dental clinic in Rockport, TX or give us a call to schedule an appointment.