Composite Fillings

Composite Fillings in Rockport TX 76426

Most of the patients lose their confidence with the natural appearance of their teeth. Dentists in Rockport suggest going for composite fillings because of their durability. Besides, they can also withstand chewing pressure more as compared to other filling materials.

Reasons Why You Must Consider Composite Fillings

Our experts of general dentistry in Texas suggest you to go for composite fillings, if you:

  • Need restoration of small to medium sized cavities.
  • Need to restore a chipped front tooth.
  • Need help with the restoration of a cavity on a front tooth.

How Composite Fillings Work?

Composite fillings are known to restore front teeth which are either worn out or chipped. The fillings are durable; however, you need to keep certain instructions in mind given by our dentists in Rockport, TX. One of the advantages of composite fillings is that less tooth structure is removed in the process.

You may find your tooth a bit sensitive post composite fillings. This sensitivity doesn’t last for long and in case of unusual discomfort, you must get in touch with our dentists in Rockport.

Give us a call at 361-727-9897 to schedule an appointment NOW!

Are you looking for an expert dentist near you? Feel free to visit our dental clinic in Rockport, TX or give us a call to schedule an appointment.

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