Bad Taste in Mouth: Causes & Treatment

Allwyn Dental
June 30, 2023
It may not be a severe issue if you occasionally experience a bad taste in your mouth. However, depending on the causes, duration, etc., the issue’s severity differs. Read on if you’ve been wondering about a bitter or sour taste in your mouth and its reasons. Sometimes it could be an underlying cause of a medical condition, while other times, it could potentially be a start of a medical condition.
Why Does My Mouth Have a Bad Taste – Signs And Symptoms
You may have dysgeusia if you have a persistent taste in the mouth. This taste is unpleasant and can last a long time until the underlying cause is treated. The signs of persistent bad taste in the mouth are as follows:
- Bitter Taste
- Foul Smell
- Salty Taste
- Metallic
The taste can also be distracting and may make it hard to taste other food items, solid or liquid. The person may still have a lingering taste even after brushing their teeth. There also may be other symptoms based on the cause, which only a dentist can identify.
What Causes a Bitter Taste In The Mouth?
There are many causes of a bitter taste in the mouth that may not be serious. However, the symptoms can be irritating and may interfere with a person’s everyday life or come in the way of daily enjoyment of life. While there are many causes of a bitter taste in the mouth, a few of them are as follows:
Dry Mouth
Dry mouth occurs when the mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva. Since saliva helps reduce the bacteria in the mouth, when it reduces, it means there are more bacteria in the mouth. Dry mouth is also known as xerostomia wherein the person feels a dry, sticky feeling in their mouth. This happens due to a lot of factors such as:
- Pre-existing Disorders
- Tobacco
- Stuffy Nose
- Dehydration
- Lack of Saliva Production
If you persistently suffer from dry mouth, talk to a trusted doctor from a trusted clinic like ours since they’ll be able to give a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Dental Issues
Poor dental hygiene is one of the most primary causes of bitter taste in the mouth. It also causes an increase in infections, gum disease or gingivitis. Certain common dental problems can be avoided by regularly brushing and flossing the teeth. Many people may also find it helpful to use a tongue scraper to clear up some symptoms. You can even use an antibacterial mouthwash in between brushing your teeth.
Pregnancy is also one of the major causes of a bitter or metallic taste in the mouth. The hormones keep fluctuating, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy. While this bitter taste gradually goes away later in the pregnancy or post giving birth, this taste may also affect the sense and cause specific craving.
Burning Mouth Syndrome
Burning mouth syndrome, as the name suggests, causes a burning sensation in the mouth. The feeling varies, however, many describe it as similar to eating spicy peppers. Certain people may also experience a rancid taste in their mouth. While the symptoms of this syndrome appear sporadically, they can also last for a long time.
It causes difficulty in eating or drinking while for some, this may relieve their symptoms.
You can even consider approaching a clinic like ours. At Allwyn Dental, we have teams of dentists who will help you identify the cause of bad taste in the mouth and also find a solution.
How To Get Rid of Bad Taste In The Mouth & It’s Treatment
Getting rid of bad taste in the mouth is no rocket science. In some cases, brushing and flossing everyday or using a mouthwash helps get rid of bad taste in the mouth. However, in certain cases, doing the following may help:
- Rinse with a Prescribed Mouthwash
- Brush Twice
- Gargle with Salted Water Regularly
- Floss After Each Meal
- Get Regular Dental Checkups
Doing the above mentioned practices should help you get rid of the bad taste. If you still see no change in the symptoms, please contact your dentist as they will be accurately able to diagnose the issue.
Can a Bad Taste in the Mouth be Serious?
While having a bad taste occasionally in your mouth is quite normal, it could be something serious if you’ve had a strange taste in your mouth for days. Whether it could be an underlying dental problem or a potential medical condition. The most common causes of a bad taste in the mouth are not serious, however, it’s wise to discuss it with your dentist. So if you experience a lasting bad taste, contact a dentist from Allwyn Dental or other trusted dental clinic since they’re the best people to reach out.
Is a Bad Taste in the Mouth a Sign of Diabetes?
As stated earlier, occasionally having a bad taste in the mouth is not something serious. However, some people with Diabetes may develop a metallic taste in their mouth in the early stage of Diabetes. The reasons for this variation in taste may vary, but poor oral hygiene and medication might be a few reasons. Again, if the taste lingers for a long time, it may be due to Diabetes or other such medical conditions. Contact your dentist so that they can spot an issue early on before it ruins your oral health.
Why Does My Mouth Taste Bad When I Wake Up?
When you sleep, the amount of saliva decreases. While this helps you from drooling at night, unfortunately, it also dries your mouth out during the night, which results in the bitter taste you experience each morning. There’s nothing to worry about this as much; however, if it’s too persistent, reach out to a dentist.
At times it could also be due changing your diet or having a different food item the previous night. Check whether the taste persists everyday and try to find out a pattern. If you fail to, please see a dentist.
Final Words
The blog covers everything you need to know about bad taste in the mouth–from causes to its treatment. However, contact us if you still need to learn more about the same or have noticed a persistent bad taste in your mouth. Our dentists are more than willing to guide you through the entire dental journey. All you need to do is contact us and discuss your concerns or questions about your oral health, and we’ll guide you through them!